
Device not compatible

A “device not compatible” error can be triggered for three reasons:

  1. You just registered a new GSF ID, but Play did not have enough time to process the uploaded datasheet.
  2. Your datasheet is missing information.
  3. Your datasheet is actually not compatible with the app you want to download.

In the first case, simply wait a few more seconds before trying to download the testapp again (do not register another GSF ID).

In the second case, double check the datasheet. In particular the “ABI”, “Libraries” and “Features” tab. If either is empty, you won’t be able to download (most) apps. Missing information can happen if DummyDroid is not able to fully probe a device via ADB. You can always add the missing pieces manually.

The third case is the most complicated one, as you need to hunt down the hardware/software requirements of the app you want to download and compare them with the datasheet values. The most likely issue here is the “Versions” tab. Users of custom ROMS (without GAPPS installed) may find that the package has the wrong version information after probing the device via ADB.

Using a default device

If you have trouble probing a device, use the device specification below. Simply copy it to your clipboard and import it into DummyDroid using Edit > Paste datasheet

  "glesVersion": 196608,
  "hasFiveWayNavigation": false,
  "hasHardwareKeyboard": false,
  "keyboard": 1,
  "navigation": 1,
  "screenDensity": 320,
  "screenHeight": 1600,
  "screenWidth": 2560,
  "touchscreen": 3,
  "screenLayout": 2,
  "otaInstalled": false,
  "installedApps": [
      "packageName": "",
      "versionName": "19.7.12-all",
      "versionCode": 81971200
      "packageName": "",
      "versionName": "6.0.1",
      "versionCode": 23
      "packageName": "",
      "versionName": "6.0.1",
      "versionCode": 23
      "packageName": "",
      "versionName": "1",
      "versionCode": 1
  "locales": [
  "glesExtensions": [
  "systemAvailableFeatures": [
  "systemSharedLibraries": [
  "build": {
    "manufacturer": "samsung",
    "brand": "samsung",
    "device": "chagalllte",
    "hardware": "universal5420",
    "product": "chagallltexx",
    "model": "SM-T805",
    "id": "MMB29K",
    "fingerprint": "samsung/chagallltexx/chagalllte:6.0.1/MMB29K/T805XXU1CPL1:user/release-keys",
    "releaseVersion": "6.0.1",
    "sdkVersion": 23,
    "time": 1481497200000,
    "abi": [